My Journey to openSUSE. Asia Summit 2016 - Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Hi introduce me, I’m Umul, a girl who accidentally passed the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2016 paper submission. This story starting from call for paper by openSUSE.Asia commiitee. I attend GLiB meetup after Idul Fitr feast to define the idea / paper that we want to submit. The former leader of GLiB, Syah Dwi Prihatmoko, urges all those present at the meeting to submit a paper. *Photo by Muhammad Irfan* There were nine people present at that time, 8 person submits his/her idea, but one didn’t. My paper titled "Women Contributions in Today's Technology Era", because I think, there is lack of women contribution in this technological era. *Photo by Muhammad Irfan* After waiting several days, there is good news ; all of GLiB member’s paper are passed, so we will became the speakers at the event. We got bussy for preparing GLiB banners and special t-shirt. :) * Design By Muhammad Irfan & Aris Winardi * We departed on 29 s...