On August 26, I received an email notification from Matsuya-san, regarding the announcement of speakers at the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2024. I was thrilled, because I passed, and will go to Tokyo for the second time. I went with a friend from Indonesia, Mr. Haris. We were on the same airline and landed at Haneda Airport at 06:50. The first day I arrived in Tokyo, Mr. Haris contacted Shinji, and finally, we went around Asakusa and Akihabara, until noon accompanied by him. Thank you, Shinji! Day 1 (openSUSE.Asia Summit) On the first day of the openSUSE.Asia Summit, I and several friends from Indonesia headed to the event location at Azabudai Hills, Mori JP Tower. Azabudai Hills is a very tall building and spacious inside. I watched presentations in Rooms A, B, and C. Lots of snacks and merchandise were provided during the event. There was even a Mystery Box, really interesting. I got a keychain from the number drawn in the box. Don't forget, I took a picture with Hato...
Kenalin, nama lengkap Aku Umul Sidikoh biasanya orang-orang panggil dengan sebutan Umul. Bisa dibilang, salah satu mahasiswa yang masih berumur sangat muda, karena di umur 19 tahun sudah memasuki semester 6 di STT Nurul Fikri. Aku lahir di Tangerang, 13 Mei 1997. Tempat tinggal Aku masih di Tangerang, cuma sekarang udah mulai nge-kost di daerah Depok. Cita-cita Aku sih jadi pengusaha karena sifatnya fleksibel dan tidak dituntut oleh atasan, dan menjadi penulis buku atau novel. Hobi Aku pertama menulis, yang lainnya olahraga, travelling, touring, baca-baca. Kalo ditanya tentang motto hidup, ya Aku jawabnya “Lakukanlah yang terbaik, atau tidak sama sekali ( Do be The Best, or Nothing ) “. Berlatar belakang Siswa SMA jurusan IPA, di salah satu sekolah negeri di Kota Tangerang. Sejak SMA, pelajaran yang paling disuka yaitu Kimia(Chemistry). Entah, padahal itu pelajaran lumayan sulit, dimana harus hafal ikatan-ikatan kimia, yang pasti bukan ikatan aku dan kamu *eh. N...
On September 4th, 2017 I got an e-mail from Takeyama-san that my idea accapted and I will be one of the speakers at the openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017. This will be my first experience to go to Japan. Me and several others Indonesian speakers, Dhenandi Putra, Yan Arief, Andi Sugandi and Tonny Sabastian went with the same flight. We departed from Jakarta. Indonesia on October 19, 2017, and arrive at Haneda Airport Tokyo on October 20, 2017 at 09.00 (GMT +9). After arriving at Haneda Airport, I went directly to the room that I already booked in Hachimanyama area, Tokyo by electric train. In the evening, all speakers are invited to attend the "Welcome Party" held by the local Committee. DAY ONE There is a registration table for the attendees. On Saturday, the event was opened by Takeyama one of the local committee from Japan. Welcoming with a great respect and thank you for attending the openSUSE Asia Summit to everyone in attendance. An...
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